Tuesday 11 March, 18:48:03

Weather forecast - Meteo-BE.net | BMCB.info

Multimodel BMCB 8.0+ ( OP + ENS ICON-GFS-ECMWF-AIFS )

Forecast of the range of maximum temperatures (+ trend vs last forecast) + general type of weather in Belgium

Usually the highest values ​​are in urban areas, the lower Meuse valley, the Gaume and in the Campine, except in the cold season where these values occur mainly in the coastal area; the lowest values are largely expected on the highlands of the Ardennes

Meteorologist: Luc Trullemans - bmcb.be 

Updated mostly every 2 days (around 15h) 


**Updated on 3 June - forecasts and trends for the period to 17 June**

Tuesday 4 June: 16/23°C

Variable/cloudy skies with a few sunny spells.

Some rain or showers overnight.

Wednesday 5 June: 14/19°C

Clear at sea but cloudy skies with first showers from the centre to the east of the country followed by clear spells from the west during the afternoon.

Thursday 6 June: 15/19°C

Sunny spells alternating with cloudy periods.

Friday 7 June: 16/20°

Fairly sunny, but cumuliform cloud formations during the day inland.


Saturday, June 8: 16/20

Fairly sunny but cumuliform cloud formations during the day in the interior.

Sunday, June 9: 14/21

Fairly sunny, but cumuliform clouds in the country's interior during the day.


Monday 10 June: 14/20°

Fairly sunny, but cumuliform cloud formations during the day in the country's interior.

Tuesday 11 June: 13/21°C

Mostly dry, but a little more cloud, especially in the southeast, where a few showers may fall.

Wednesday 12 June: 14/21

Variable skies with the risk of a few showers.




Thursday 13 June: 16/21°.

Little or no precipitation.

Friday 14 June: 16/22°C



Saturday 15 June: 17/23°C

Little or no rain.

Sunday 16 June: 17/24°.

Some precipitation.


Monday 17 June: 18/24°.

Little or no precipitation.


Analysis & forecast maps
Thermal anomalies

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