Tuesday 11 March, 18:26:57

Our network


New locations are still being sought for the expansion of our Belgian network! 

If you are interested, feel free to contact us! Please send an email to [email protected]. We will then see if your location is interesting in function of the already operational weather stations. Only open locations are eligible. After all, a (small) backyard does not allow for good and accurate temperature measurement. This issue is less of a problem for the measurement of precipitation, however.


All data (observations) on this website are provided by the Belgische Meteo Club / Club Météo Belge.


Why this network?

Unlike other public networks, this network has some major advantages:

  • The weather stations used throughout the network are all identical to each other. Measurement data can be easily compared with each other.
  • Its arrangement is as free and open as possible. There are no weather stations in a (small) backyard. In other public networks, the arrangement of many stations is not known and the numbers unfortunately contain a lot of bad data. After all, "Big data" is not always correct data! An exception to this rule are city stations. They are marked with ** (double asterisk) in the table(s) hereunder.
  • The MeteoHelix weather station developed by BARANI DESIGN is used to measure the temperature and other parameters. These weather stations are also in use by the RMI in their climatological measurement network. It was extensively studied by them and tested for accuracy in various weather conditions. Read more about this weather station in our article about the measuring equipment.
  • The weather stations used work fully automatically. New data is sent every 10 minutes. This happens over an IoT network (IoT = Internet-of-Things). This means that a weather station can be placed anywhere as long as there is good network coverage. The weather station is not dependent on a WiFi network. IoT is also very energy-efficient, so that energy is obtained from a (small) solar panel. But even without sun - for example during the dark winter period - the weather station can take and transmit measurements for months.
  • The measurement of temperature and humidity meet the standards (accuracy) of the WMO (World Meteorological Organization).
  • The sensors in the weather station can be calibrated and, if necessary, replaced if they no longer meet the accuracy.
  • The weather stations in the network are operated by people with a passion for the weather. The weather is closely monitored on a daily basis and deviations in the measurement data are determined very quickly and, of course, resolved as soon as possible. That is slightly different from people who buy a weather station on a whim, look at it for some time and then leave it for what it is… but in the meantime, the data - whether correct or not - is sent automatically.


Choice of locations

When expanding the network, we strive to have an even coverage throughout the country. Attention is also paid to regions with specific characteristics.

For example, most likely the Kempen can record the highest temperatures during the summer season. In the valleys in the Ardennes, we measure the lowest temperatures during winter season with clear radiant nights above a snow cover. The coastal region, on the other hand, shows a much more moderate climate with smaller temperature extremes than inland. But the wind can be stronger... In every region of our country there is something special to measure!

Active weather stations in our network (Situation: 21 February 2021)

ProvincieStad of gemeenteHoogteGemeten parameters
West FlandersHeuvelland - Westouter112 mTemperature, Humidity, Precipitation
West FlandersJabbeke5 mTemperature, Humidity, Precipitation, Wind
West FlandersBeernem - St. Joris12 mTemperature, Humidity, Precipitation, Wind
West FlandersBeernem - Oedelem13 mWind
West FlandersAvelgem12 mTemperature, Humidity, Precipitation
East FlandersEvergem - Kluizen5 mTemperature, Humidity
LimburgBocholt - Kaulille50 mTemperature, Humidity, Precipitation
LimburgKortessem - Vliermaal89 mTemperature, Humidity, Precipitation
HainaultSilly75 mTemperature, Humidity, Precipitation
HainaultCourcelles170 mTemperature, Humidity, Precipitation, Wind
NamurHouyet - Herhet194 mWind
NamurAssesse - Maillen264 mTemperature, Humidity, Precipitation, Wind
NamurGesves - Faulx-les-Tombes159 mTemperature, Humidity, Precipitation
LuxembourgChiny - Moyen305 mTemperature, Humidity, Precipitation, Wind
LuxembourgLéglise - Chêne425 mTemperature, Humidity
LuxembourgBaraque de Fraiture635 mTemperature, Humidity, Precipitation, Wind
LuxembourgBastogne - Cobru-Noville459 mTemperature, Humidity
LiègeLiège - Cointe ** 159 mTemperature, Humidity, Precipitation
LiègeTheux - Hodbomont250 mTemperature, Humidity
LiègeBaelen - Membach252 mTemperature, Humidity
LiègeSankt-Vith - Recht400 mTemperature, Humidity, Precipitation
LiègeBraunlauf (Burg-Reuland)440 mTemperature, Humidity
LiègeBüllingen - Mürringen604 mTemperature, Humidity
LiègeAmel - Deidenberg425 mTemperature, Humidity
 ** = city station
Planned locations 
East FlandersNinove - Outer29 mTemperature, Humidity
AntwerpTurnhout Temperature, Humidity, Precipitation
LimburgBorgloon Temperature, Humidity
HainaultSoignies - Horrues Temperature, Humidity, Precipitation
Walloon BrabantGrez-Doiceau - Archennes Temperature, Humidity
Namur Cerfontaine - Senzeille Temperature, Humidity
NamurHouyet - Herhet194 mTemperature, Humidity
LuxembourgHotton Temperature, Humidity, Precipitation
LiègeWeismes - Remonval Temperature, Humidity, Precipitation


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