Tuesday 11 March, 18:43:08

Maps precipitation Belgium

Maps precipitation Belgium 
(clicking on the map opens it in a new window)
Note that the color redendering is an interpolation between stations and can sometimes differ significantly from the actual situation.
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Map precipitation last 10 minutes
New map available at hh:03', 13', 23', 33', 43' 43', 53'

Map precipitation last hour
New map available at hh:03', 13', 23', 33', 43' 43', 53'

Map precipitation today since 00:00 LT
New map available at hh:03', 13', 23', 33', 43' 43', 53'

Map precipitation last 12 hours
New map available at hh:03', 13', 23', 33', 43' 43', 53'


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