Saturday 21 December, 20:01:25

Fire Weather Index (FWI)

The (forest) fire weather index, in short FWI, is a number calculated to estimate the risk of wildfire in forests. The calculations are based on a Canadian empirical model that was developed in 1976.

How is FWI calculated?


The meteorological paramaters (for our region observations from 12:00 UTC are used) necessary as input for the calculations are:

  • precipitation during the past 24 hours
  • temperature of the air
  • relative humidity of the air
  • average windspeed

Also the values of the previous day(s) are taken into account.

The organic layer - important for the spread of fire - are split into:

  • a loose top layer, litter / fine fuels, on average 7-8 mm thickness.
  • loosely compacted middle layer, thickness few centimeters.
  • the deeper compacted organic layer, on average ~10 centimeter thickness.

From the meteorological parameters, different numbers are calculated representing the moisture content of these 3 layers:

  • the FFMC (= Fine Fuel Moisture Code) is the moisture content of litter; as this layer is on top, the parameters temperature, humidity, precipitation and wind are inputs for the calculation as is the value from the day before.
    • a number above 70 is high
    • a number above 90 is extremely high
  • the DMC (= Duff Moisture Code) is the moisture content of the middle layer. This layer is not in direct contact with the air, hence wind does not have to be considered. Because the top layer is only few millimeters, other parameters such as temperature, humidity, precipitation are taken into account, as well as the value of the day before. Compared to the FFMC, the value of the previous day is more important (time constant few days).
    • a number above 30 is considered dry
    • a number above 40 is considered very dry
  • the DC (= Drought Code) is the number indicating the moisture content of the bottom organic layer. This layer is even more shielded from the air. Only the parameters precipitation and temperature have an effect on this layer. The value of the day before is even more important and it changes very slowly when the weather is dry (time constant more than 50 days).
    • a number of 200 is high
    • a number of 300 is very dry and means that this organic material is available for combustion in case of wildfire.

From these 3 calculated codes (FFMC, DMC, DC), other numbers are derived indicating how the fire will spread:

  • from the FFMC and windspeed, the number ISI (= Initial Spread Index) is calculated. This number is an indication how fast fire can spread:
    • lowest value is 0
    • 10 or more shows high spread after ignition
    • 16 or more is very high spread once fire started
  • from the numbers DMC and DC, the number BUI (= Buildup Index) is calculated. This number is an indication how much fuel is available for combustion.
    • 40 or more is high
    • 60 or more is extremely high

Both ISI and BUI are combined to get the final Fire Weather Index FWI.

An adjusted FWI is also used. Adjustment is based on time of the year. For example during the months July, much “green” material is available (with higher water content), hence the adjustment factor is 1; but during early spring, under the same dry circumstances, the “green” material is not yet available. The adjustment factor can be as high as 3, slowly decreasing when growing season starts. | uses cookies to improve your experience on our site.
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